
If you find this site useful,
please consider a donation to one of the charities that our contributors support:

Age UK - Help us reach the thousands of older people who feel isolated and alone.

Alzheimer's Society - Leading the fight against dementia.

Be Slavery Free - Be Slavery Free campaigns and advocates against human trafficking and modern day slavery.

Birth for Humankind - Birth for Humankind exists to achieve equitable maternal health and wellbeing for all, by providing and advocating for respectful, equitable and appropriate pregnancy, birth and early parenting support for women experiencing social and financial disadvantage.

Doctors without Borders - An international medical humanitarian organization working in nearly 70 countries to assist people whose survival is threatened by violence, neglect, or catastrophe.

Shelter Box - an international disaster relief charity that delivers emergency shelter, warmth and dignity to people affected by disaster worldwide.

Sustained Acts - Developing sustainable projects for those in need (mostly Kenya, East Africa).